How To Create A Hygee Living Room

How To Create A Hygee Living Room

How To Create A Hygee Living Room

What do we even mean by the word “hygee”? First, it’s called hygee and pronounced “hoo-gah”. It is a Danish expression which gives an attitude of finding joy in everyday moments. It’s best described as enjoying life’s simplest pleasures and is a celebration of warmth, family, and coziness. Hygee is a state of the mind and the idea behind a hygee living room is for someone to walk in, feel the warmth, and immediately want to be there for all the joy it brings. Now that the rains have resumed, perhaps now’s the perfect time to hygee your home.

Although hygee originated from the Danish, it has become a popular lifestyle all over the world and borders on decor. Hygee is so much more than just decor, it is a lifestyle. It’s more of a feeling of joy in the littlest things and with loved ones and family. For this article, we shall talk about creating a hygee living room. A hygee living room is warm, serene, and emanates so much positive energy to create happiness. Interesting, right? I know! Now, here are easy steps to turn your living room into a cozy hygee room.

*Simplicity Is The Way*

The whole idea behind hygee is to keep it simple, classy, and serene to keep you in a warm and cozy lifestyle. It is about taking pleasure in the simplest things, so only surround yourself with things that truly make you happy. Are you a lover of plants? Then it might be nice to have a pot of flowers in your living room.

*Let Your Colours Be calm*

Don’t go for an overwhelming color when trying to hygee. Since you’re telling of harmony and peace, avoid sharp colors and instead go for neutral colors like cream, light grey, and brown to create a homely atmosphere.

*Cozy And Comfortable Ambience*

In hygee, coziness is very key. You could try that by decorating with fluffy pillows on your couch for warmth and comfort. You could also create a relaxing spot by the window for some peace and quiet.

*Candlelight Decor*

Candles mean a lot of things to a lot of persons. Be it romance as in candlelight dinner, or a relaxing bath in the candlelight, all of these tell of calm. The soft and kind glow of a candle is very unique and perfect for a hygee living room. You could light a few candles in a glass to add an extra bit of glow.

*Let Your Lights Twinkle*

Twinkly lights are another great part of the hygee decor. Just like candles, they give off a soft glow and add an extra bit of soft light and radiance to your living room. Not only in the living room, but twinkly lights also look great everywhere as they add a pleasant touch to your home decor.

*Textures Are Great!*

Texture generally refers to the surface quality in a work of art. Some things feel smooth even though they look rough and vice versa. Introducing texture into your living room is very important to complete the hygee look. You could include natural materials like wood decor and finish it with a variety of flowers for a bit of color.

*Invest In Art*

Whether you’re a huge lover of art or not, the right artwork hanging on your wall could be all you need to nail your hygee look. Be it a subtle picture expressing nature’s beauty or your favorite piece of painting, there’s room for art in your living room.

*Going Green With Nature*

Green is a color that represents a lot of things including harmony, freshness, and safety. These are all things you’d want to invite into your hygee living room. Be it a pot of green plants or a lovely green wallpaper, this could bring out the cozy side of your living room.

You now get the whole hygee gist for your living room right? So start creating your lovely space now!
