What can we say? Lies are truly deadly in relationships. They destroy the very essence of every relationship leaving it baseless. Lies. A lying partner is one we can not build with. Relationships are not all made at once, it is a step by step thing. It takes time to grow a relationship and if it is a marital relationship it still needs to be grown, be built.
When two people are in a relationship they have goals and aspirations which they wish to achieve in it, and hence they plan towards that. But when there is a partner once more who lies and exhibits this in false promises or who blatantly lies about things; it makes it hard to plan with such a person.
The truth is the truth. Once the truth is buttered in any way, it is no longer the truth. Lies destroy the relationship. They break it. Lies bring about distance in a relationship. It pulls the said parties apart even though they still live together like in marriages.
Lies are not exclusive to one gender but to both. Mrs. Abiodun married to the best man but seemed not to be satisfied due to a realization that she was being resented by her husband for something she did before their marriage. It was piercing hearing it, hence a rift between them and her looking out for company, and when asked she would say nothing was up. She never physically went out cheating but indulged in online sex and this drove through their marriage. They were different, she was slipping away. They kept drifting apart though her roles as a wife she still performed. A couple also experienced the I’ll fated blow which lies deals to relationships. The husband cheated on the wife and though she found out, she kept quiet till he owned up to it himself without pressure but prior to his confession, the cankerworm had eaten into their marriage causing there to be a distance between the once sweet couple.
Lies will always leave the other person questioning everything the liar says or does. Like in the above instance, though the guy confessed yet still when he has to be out or stays longer than should, his wife questions the reason behind his lateness. This is so because the seed of doubt and unbelief has been sewn in the heart of the parties involved.
Lies, no matter the face it puts on be its blatant lies, promises unfulfilled, twisted truths, deceptions, etc. They all truly kill any relationship. Yes, there are situations that come up and one may feel lying is the only way out but sincerely it never is. Be it a situation of a terrible past. It is always still the best to say it as it is and face the consequences as against cooking up a story that will be the root cause of a disaster. The truth still is the best way out, always.